Who should get vaccinated

  • Children under 10 years

    Young children are more susceptible to disease because of their under-developed immune systems. Find out how vaccinations protect them and when they should get them.

  • Children and adolescents
    (10–19 years of age)

    School aged kids get free vaccinations to protect them from diseases. Find out how vaccinations protect them and when they should get them.

  • Adults (above 19 years)

    The vaccines you need in adulthood depend on your age, lifestyle and which vaccinations you’ve had in the past. Find out how vaccinations protect you and when you should get them.

  • During pregnancy

    Influenza (the flu) and whooping cough can be life-threatening for mums and bubs. Find out why vaccinations during pregnancy are important and when you should get them.

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

    If you’re of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, you may need extra vaccinations. Find out what vaccines you need and how they protect you.

  • Migrants, refugees and
    other humanitarian entrants

    If you’re moving to Australia, it’s important that you and your children get vaccinated before you move. Find out about the vaccinations you need.

  • Travellers

    If you’re planning to travel overseas, you may be exposed to some diseases that vaccinations can prevent. Find out how you can stay safe.

When to get vaccinated

When you need to get vaccinated depends on your age and what vaccinations you’ve already had.

For the best protection, you should get vaccinated on the due date. These range from birth through to adulthood.

If you can’t get a vaccination on the date in the schedule, get one within 2 weeks of the date for the best protection.

How to get vaccinated

To get yourself or your child vaccinated:

  1. Check your immunisation history with the national register.
  2. Book your vaccination with your doctor or vaccination service provider.
  3. Think about what health information your vaccination service provider may need.
  4. Find out how to make child’s vaccination less stressful.

Find out more about getting vaccinated on the on the Department of Health and Aged care website.

Where to get vaccinated

Getting vaccinated is easy. You can get most vaccines from your GP or health provider. Find out where to get vaccinated.

13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)

To talk to a registered nurse about vaccinations call 13 Health.

Information in your language

Find out about getting help to translate or interpret our information on the Queensland Government website. You can also call the translating and interpreting service on 131 450.